Although my family has owned Pumis since 1987, I have not started breeding Pumis until much later, in 2009.
Right from the start, I have carefully planned to select,
males and females, always follow the most important aspects of breeding
and always in the following order;
- physical and mental health
- correct anatomy
- correct hair type
- characteristic head
- desired colors
Planning a litter, most of the time, starts years before the actual breeding. Choosing the right female and male dogs that are a strong match based on ancestry, conformation and disposition requires thorough and painstakingly meticulous selection. In addition to a general health exam, each potential candidate is screened for herediary illnesses, such as hip knee and eyes problems at two years of age. A pre-selected Pumi can enter into the breeding program based only on the quality of these x-ray results.For wider genetic variety, in addition to select males of acceptable coancestry coefficient I pay particular attention for four-five generation pedigrees that show ancestral working heritage possibly by "B pedigree" ancestors. In my quest to search for these increasingly rear Pumi specimen, the descendants of Szöcske, Pimpa, Tücsök, Fickó and Borzas, I have received continuos support and help by the Hungarian Kaffogó Kennel and the Finish Karvakorvan kennel.
With caution, careful observation and selection, I am also open to introduce promising offsprings of unregistered real working Pumis in my breeding program from ranches and farms from the countryside, even though, breeding with these criteria sometimes can result unpredictable outcome. Hence, it is a volatile choice, if it is used prudently, unregistered new or distant lineage can significantly improve and add increased diversity to the Kisködmönös breeding program.
Breeding Program in the Kisködmönös Kennel
After the introduction of the current Breed Standard in September 13, 2000, I still study the earlier Pumi descriptions in order to follow and understand the development history of the breed.
I also give special importance that all dogs of the subsequent generations in my breeding stock exhibit the desired herding instinct. Each puppy is subject to the Volhard test around six to seven weeks of age. The test result should provide a fair forecast of the pups' disposition and help to plan the dogs future development.
My goal in conformation is to help the reemergence of the "old type" Pumi that requires no or minimal grooming. Dogs with a "non-descript" atypical hair type that has insignificant undercoat are easily trimmed, capable to shed and has smooth short haired paws. This hairtype is practical working outside and it is also preferable for pets living indoor. Hair types that are dense, long and easily matted that is similar to the hair type of the Puli and perhaps requires more grooming per years, is not desirable and therefore I try to avoid.

One thing that every subsequent Pumi
standard has clearly defined is that flawless, coordinated movement
always depends on correct anatomy. Therefore, lean body and light bone
structure are always preferable. Flexible body, correct gaits, the
ability to change directions "on the dime", and endurance have always
been serious criteria in my selection process. In contrast, dogs with
incorrect anatomy that might include short and curved legs, rounded
ribcage with wide chest, heavy bones and long body should be avoided
even with an impeccable pedigree.

lean body light movement and correct gaits short smooth haired paws
Although, unfortunately, there is no official record keeping of inheritable illnesses in the Pumi in Hungary, I try to keep my own unofficial records about epilepsy, hip and knee problems, Degenerative Myelophaty, diseases of the digestive system of genetic metabolic disorders that can be traced back in various blood lines through the help of cooperating breeders, owners or oral history.

healthy hip, flexible movement
The wide genetic variety that my kennel works with, has been the result of broad networking and teamwork. On the one hand, I work closely with other kennels, while on the other hand, with owners, co-owners and tutelaries of Pumis from the Kisködmönös breeding who have agreed to collaborate within the perimeters of my breeding objectives as members of the breeder's team. This breeding alternative keeps all my Pumis from my program in homes as oppose to kennels.
Regardless of all careful plannings, offsprings from the Kisködmönös kennel too, because of the heterogeneity of the Pumi breed, can show variety in their phenotypes within a litter.
One cannot run a kennel free of all the currently known more than four hundred genetic disorders, of the "domestic dog" (Canis Lupus Familiaris) however, with prudent planning and careful selection, the Kisködmönös kennel can produce quality Pumis that show desirable conformation and disposition.